Data Sources

Visualization 1

This data source was used for our first visualization for Step 1. The data shows the consumer expenditure in billions for the U.S. movie theater industry from 1999 - 2022.

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Visualization 2

This data source was used for our second visualization for Step 1. The data shows the output in billions for the U.S. full-service restaurant industry from 2013-2022.

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Visualization 4

This data source was used for our first visualization for Step 2. The data was collected from a survey in 2018 (before COVID) and in 2022 (after COVID) that asked adults in the U.S. whether they preferred to watch movies at home or in movie theaters.

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Visualization 5

This data source was used for our second visualization for Step 2. The data was collected from a survey that asked people in the U.S. for reasons why they might not return to movie theaters post-COVID. The data also includes the likelihood of the survey group to return to the movie theaters.

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Visualization 6

This data source was used for our third visualization for Step 2. The data shows the percentage change from 2015-2023 of people in the U.S. who have a streaming subscription such as Netflix or Hulu.

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Visualization 7

This data source was used for our fourth visualization for Step 2. The data shows the U.S. consumer expenditure for three different types of digital home entertainment from 2012-2022.

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Visualization 8

This data source was used for our fifth visualization for Step 2. The data shows survey results for the preferred types of movie release strategies (exclusively on streaming websites, exclusively in theaters, and options in between) for different genres of movies such as franchise movies and mainstream movies.

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Visualization 9

This data source was used for our first visualization for Step 3. The data shows the revenue from 2010-2021 of each sector for the U.S. movie theater industry such as admissions sales, food and beverage sales, and arcade games.

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Visualization 10

This data source was used for our second visualization for Step 3. The data provides reasons for liking Augmented Reality which is a sub-category of Extended Reality. The data showed the percentage of responses that the survey group chose.

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Visualization 11

This data source was used for our third visualization for Step 3. The data shows the worldwide market size for Extended Reality in billions USD. The data also makes projections for future market size, as the data scope is from 2021-2026.

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Visualization 12

This data source was used for our fourth visualization for Step 3. The data shows a survey of consumer interest in participating in a metaverse experience among different age groups. The survey was taken by people in the U.S. in 2022.

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Visualization 13

This data was used for our fifth visualization for Step 3. The data shows the revenue (in South Korean won) of screen golf in South Korea from 2011-2021. This data was used to make predictions for the possibility of screen sport market growth in the U.S.

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Visualization 14

This data source was used for our sixth visualization for Step 3. The data shows the revenue in billion USD for the Augmented Reality market in the U.S. starting in 2017 and making projections through 2027.

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